Lessons from Hitting the Road

It’s hard to believe it’s been over a month since my last post! This is what happens once the semester gets going in earnest, and this semester I’ve been even busier. Besides working on various proposal documents for our MFA in Creative Writing (see recent posts), I’ve been hitting the road to promote the EudoraContinue reading “Lessons from Hitting the Road”

In Memorium: Nelson Mandela

It is hard to hear of the passing of Nelson Mandela today. He was one of the major political figures of my youth, a living icon to look up to as a man of unprecedented strength of spirit, yet a man of passive resistance. Icons of a former day, Gandhi or Martin Luther King, wereContinue reading “In Memorium: Nelson Mandela”

Black Friday / Cyber Monday Ambivalence

Those who know me, know I’m not much of a shopper. When I do buy things, I usually look for a good deal, so you might think I’d be into the big sales on Black Friday or Cyber Monday (now a weeklong event at some online stores). But I always feel a little ambivalent aboutContinue reading “Black Friday / Cyber Monday Ambivalence”

In memoriam Bill Whitehead, 25 October, 1937 – 24 June, 2010

Bill was the strongest, most caring of men–a wonderful father to Kim and her sisters and grandfather to Aidan and his cousins. He was a millwright and in later years, a farmer. He passed away tonight at about 11:00 p.m. For the past year we knew he suffered from ALS (also known as Lou Gehrig’sContinue reading “In memoriam Bill Whitehead, 25 October, 1937 – 24 June, 2010”

What has kept me busy?

Anyone who has visited my blog has noticed that there’s been a hiatus in my writing since February. Hopefully, with the end of the semester drawing near, that is about to change! But it hasn’t just been teaching four classes (two sections of Survey of World Literature, one of Creative Writing, and one of ModernContinue reading “What has kept me busy?”