Wordle Strategy Redux

Today’s Wordle threatened to break my 81 game streak, but I paused for a moment, used strategy, and defeated the deceptively simple game. Without giving away the word, I can say that I got four correct letters on my first try, made a good guess and got them all in the right place, guessed anotherContinue reading “Wordle Strategy Redux”

February Wrap-Up

February has been a busy, busy month. Even with the extra day that leap year afforded, it seemed to go faster than ever. At Mississippi University for Women, our year began with the announcement of a new name: a name that went over like a lead balloon. So February started with a scramble to comeContinue reading “February Wrap-Up”

2024 Writer’s Resolutions

Each year we make our resolutions and try to keep them. I’ve never been one to focus too much on losing the weight gained over the holiday (I trust I will as I get back to my morning walks and other routines and work my way through a few leftover treats). My resolutions tend to beContinue reading “2024 Writer’s Resolutions”

Wordle Strategy Upate

Some time ago, I wrote a post, just for fun, about My Wordle Strategy. At the time, my best streak was 45 in English, and I was doing a Dutch version, called Woordle, and Dordle, plus Quordle in English and Dutch. Today, my streak at the New York Times Wordle has reached 88, and I’veContinue reading “Wordle Strategy Upate”

Notice for SubTracker Users

LibreOffice Base now prompts me to install Java JDK (developer’s kit) instead of Java RTE (run-time engine) that most users have. They seem to have an issue with locating RTE on Macs, though this issue just developed. On the error message you receive, there is a link to a page at LibreOffice that explains (aContinue reading “Notice for SubTracker Users”

Solidarity for Ukraine

I do not pretend to have answers about the senseless and unnecessary war that Putin has instigated in Ukraine, but my heart goes out to its people. Once, for many years actually, a good colleague, George Pinchuk did his best to educate us all on the political situation and the culture of Ukraine. He wasContinue reading “Solidarity for Ukraine”