On Listening to Virgil Suarez and Watching AWP Squirm

Last night I went to hear Virgil Suarez read on a panel with two other poets at #AWP18. The other two poets were good and all, but not ones I knew well. They first poet was Ishion Hutchinson a Jamaican poet who combined surreal meditations with literary allusions to Wordsworth and Keats. Then came MaggieContinue reading “On Listening to Virgil Suarez and Watching AWP Squirm”

Why Rank MFA Programs? Or Why Not…

News appeared recently on the Creative Writing Pedagogy Facebook Group about a new ranking of MFA programs based on publishing history in annual prize anthologies. Naturally, a discussion ensued about the value of rankings (which is dubious, and to credit this one, they even begin their post with a disclaimer about why you shouldn’t careContinue reading “Why Rank MFA Programs? Or Why Not…”

Building Community for A Writer’s Craft

Not long ago, I wrote about setting up the companion website for A Writer’s Craft. That is now up and running, but one thing I had always wanted to add was a discussion area, where teachers could talk about using the book and teaching introductory creative writing in 4 genres, and where students and teachersContinue reading “Building Community for A Writer’s Craft”

Companion Website for AWC

The companion website for my textbook A Writer’s Craft is now available at Bloomsbury Online Resources. Materials for teachers and students are publicly available, including: Teaching with A Writer’s Craft Why Teach 4 Genres Cross-Genre Teaching The Small Group Workshop Full-Class Workshop Midterm and Final Portfolios Teaching Creative Writing with Literary Magazines Plagiarism For Students Journal Exercises OnlineContinue reading “Companion Website for AWC”

Book Review: Always Happy Hour by Mary Miller

Always Happy Hour: Stories by Mary Miller My rating: 5 of 5 stars Mary Miller’s wit sparkles in these stories like a stiff drink with a healthy dash of bitters. They are dry, acerbic, and full of bitter irony. Consider the title, taken from a line on one of the later stories in the collection:Continue reading “Book Review: Always Happy Hour by Mary Miller”

2015 in review (by WordPress)

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2015 annual report for this blog. Here’s an excerpt: The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 57,000 times in 2015. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 21 sold-out performances for that manyContinue reading “2015 in review (by WordPress)”

In Memoriam: Dorcas Dorow

This week a major force has passed. Dorcas Dorow wasn’t famous, though she was well known in my home town of Osage, Iowa, and half-way around the world in Lermontov, Russia, our sister city, a relationship she was the driving force behind. And her influence spread through her work at Waldorf and with the many choirsContinue reading “In Memoriam: Dorcas Dorow”